Race report 2nd division season finale – ladies
As you may have read in the race report of the 2nd division (now 1st division!) men, on the 10th of September the finale of the 2nd division took place. Us ladies also had to a relay (a super...
As you may have read in the race report of the 2nd division (now 1st division!) men, on the 10th of September the finale of the 2nd division took place. Us ladies also had to a relay (a super...
Sunday the 10th of September the day was finally there, the finale of the 2nd division. The race was a relay, where every athlete had to do a super sprint triathlon of 300m swimming,...
Om een triathlon te kunnen doen en hiervoor te trainen, heb je natuurlijk de juiste spullen nodig. Hieronder staat een lijstje met dingen die cruciaal zijn om aan te schaffen voor je eerste triathlon,...
Triathlon As you might know, triathlon is the combination of swimming, cycling and running (in that order). Most people train for triathlon by training one sport at a time, and then combining them on...